Our Farmhouse

The back porch of our Farmhouse

The back yard of our Farmhouse

Knock out roses next to backyard walkway
Parts of our farmhouse front yard

Jimmy Creek that runs the length of the farm

Our back pasture

Farm Entrance and sign

Jimmy Creek floods during heavy rains

Flash flooding is common in the valley

Flash flooding of our front yard

Our front pasture

The farm garden area
Our Powder River Bison handling system

Cold Winter Sorms. View from the farmhouse
Winter Ice Storms on the farm
Winter Ice Storms on the farm
Winter in the Ozarks

Jimmy Creek Road in front of driveway
Some Ozark Farm skies
Some of our pasture fields
Hayfield and pasture through the seasons

Watching the bison. Keep guard but don't get too close
Wildlife is plentiful around the farm
Guest quarters at the farm - AirBnB

Driveway to the farm house